Register for Classes

Before registering for classes for the first time, you must apply to Saint Paul College, complete the admissions process, and attend Orientation.


Current and returning students.

在校生和返校学生都可以在eServices上注册课程 according to the dates listed below. 

Summer Term 2024 Registration

Registration is NOW OPEN.
Mandatory orientation 是否要求新生入学,课程注册将在新生入学时进行.

Fall Semester 2024 Registration

Registration is NOW OPEN.
Mandatory orientation 是否要求新生入学,课程注册将在新生入学时进行.

Spring Semester 2025 Registration

The Spring Semester 2025 Course Schedule is available now. 优先注册将于2024年10月8日开始,面向在读学生. 2024年10月28日,新生和返校学生开始注册.

Mandatory orientation 是否要求新生入学,课程注册将在新生入学时进行.

Summer Term 2025 Registration

The Summer Term 2025 Course Schedule is available now. 优先注册将于2024年10月8日开始,面向在读学生. 2024年10月28日,新生和返校学生开始注册.

Mandatory orientation 是否要求新生入学,课程注册将在新生入学时进行.

Additional registration information.


要注册课程,您需要StarID和StarID密码. 如果您不记得您的StarID和StarID密码,您可以在esservices检索它.

Mandatory orientation 是2022年秋季学期新生的必修课,学生将在迎新日注册.

How to Determine How Many Classes to Take

Your work schedule, 你的其他外部责任和你作为学生的个人优势和/或劣势应该考虑到你每学期注册的课程数量.

记住,你在课堂上花的每一个小时,在课外你将有2-3小时的准备工作. These are recommended course loads.

  • If you work 30 – 40 hours or more/week, consider taking no more than one or two classes, or up to 5 credits per semester.
  • If you work 20 – 30 hours/week, consider taking no more than 2-3 classes, or up to 6-9 credits per semester.
  • If you work 10 – 20 hours/week, consider taking no more than 3-4 classes, or up to 9-12 credits per semester.
  • If you work less than 10 hours/week, consider taking 4 or more classes, or up to 12-15 credits per semester.

Understanding the Catalog

The Catalog is designed to assist students in academic and career plans. Our Degree Planners provide the following information:

  • Minimum Program Entry Requirements
  • Recommended Course Sequence and
  • Program Outcomes.

On each program page, 你会找到关于你的项目的重要信息,比如谁是项目顾问, and the courses required to complete the program. 有些课程要求学生在开始课程课程之前完成所有最低入学要求, 而另一些学校则允许学生在完成入学要求的同时参加项目课程.

强烈建议学生与他们的衔接顾问和项目教师密切合作,以确定注册哪些课程以及何时注册. Associate in Arts (AA) degree students, Health Broad Field AS degree students, 强烈鼓励有意转学的学生与咨询中心合作,计划注册.

Tuition and Payment Information


Student Account Inquiries

Having trouble viewing this site?

如果您在访问注册网站时遇到技术困难, please try the following link:

由于需要使用安全级别的注册系统, you must be using the latest version of:


Satisfactory Academic Progress

学生对自己的学业进步负有主要责任,并在遇到学业困难时寻求帮助. 学生们被鼓励保存他们的成绩和成绩单档案.


  1. a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 and
  2. a completion rate of at least 66.取得A、B、C、D、P或AU成绩的累计学分占67%.

If these requirements are not met, 学生将受到学术警告或某些情况下的休学处分. 如果累积GPA或完成率低于第二学期的最低标准, the student may be suspended from the College. A 2.项目必修课程的平均绩点为0是毕业的必要条件.

例外:字母等级“D”被认为是以下课程的失败:实用护理, Medical Laboratory Technician, 呼吸护理医生和手语翻译/音译员AAS(语言和口译技能班), and all ESOL/EAPP classes.


Academic Warning
The first time academic standards are not met, 学生将被给予下学期学业警告处分. 一旦发出警告,该学生的账户将被冻结. 学生必须在网上填写学术警告协议表格,才能取消注册.


  1. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher and
  2. Maintain a minimum cumulative completion rate of 66.67%

学生将被停学,除非累计平均绩点达到2分.0 or higher and a cumulative completion rate of 66.67% or higher is achieved.

Academic Suspension
在学术警告期内未达到学业进步标准者,给予休学两学期处分. All students placed on suspension must appeal to be reinstated.


Degree Audit Reporting System

通过eServices,学生可以使用一些有用的工具来跟踪他们的课程作业和完成学位要求和毕业的进度. 第一种选择是学位审计报告系统(DARS),它允许学生审查课程要求,并跟踪他们已经完成或仍然需要完成的课程,以满足所有学位要求.

Accessing eServices to view your Degree Audit Report (DARS)

  • Click on eServices
  • Log in with Star ID and password
  • Select Academic Records from the left side menu
  • Select Degree Audit Portal from the left side menu
  • Select Click here to access Degree Audit Self-Service
  • 使用Star ID和密码登录,查看您的学位进展和完成情况
  • How to read your degree audit

第二个选择是一个名为uAchieve Self-Service的新平台, 哪些学生可以通过点击esservices中的学位审核门户链接访问. By accessing their audit through the Portal, students can:

  • 查看他们的学位审核,以确定他们申报的专业需要哪些课程, keep track of what they have already completed, 并帮助选择合适的课程来注册每个学期
  • 进行“假设”审核,以确定完成的课程如何适用于不同的专业
  • Understand how previous college coursework transferred in, as well as how AP and CLEP credits apply to their major

有关如何使用uAchieve Self-Service的更多信息,请查看以下教程: